Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Day 8: Kearsarge

Today was our second attempt to hike up a mountain, and we finally succeeded. This was a very special day because we managed to summit our first mountain, Kearsarge. The hike itself was fun and a bit challenging at times, but not nearly as challenging as Mount Monadnock. After that experience, I feel like I can hike up the Everest (hopefully I won't have to test this anytime soon).
Once we got to Kearsarge, we had two options: a shorter, steeper trail, or a longer yet easier trail. Because we were right behind this other group of hikers (that by the way looked like they were ready to actually hike the Everest) that were going up the steeper trail, so Daisy and I decided to take the longer trail. This proved to not be the wisest choice because the way down was very, very steep and I actually fell down twice (I'm good though). We still had a lot of fun though, and once we got to the summit the view was incredible. It was so pretty and rewarding, and it reminded me of our failed hike up Mount Monadnock.

 This made me a bit sad because I started thinking about what we'd missed out on last Wednesday because of the weather, but these thoughts weren't with me for too long because I also remember how much fun we had during that hike/climb.
As we were coming down the mountain we decided to check for geocaches, and we saw that there was one on our way down. This was a very exciting thing because we finally found our second geocache – it only took us two weeks. So, by the time we made it back to the car we were very happy because of the hike and extra happy because of the geocache.
Before heading back to campus we wanted to prepare a little for tomorrow's stay at the cabin, so we went to the grocery store and got yummy supplies.
After that we went back to campus where I spent some time writing in my journal reflecting about today's hike and what it felt like to be at the summit.

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