Friday, May 6, 2016

Day 5: Sunny return to campus

Today was sunny for the first time all week. The good weather didn't last all day though, but at least we got to enjoy a morning and early afternoon of warm temperatures and sunshine that made us want to just spend hours outside. In the morning we got ready to leave Daisy's house and return to campus, and as we were getting our things in the car we realized how nice the weather was. Because we didn't want to waste it, as we were on our way to Proctor we decided to stop for a hike at Oak Hill Trails in Concord, NH. We managed to find the trails and decided to hike up Tower Trail, one of the longer hikes.

The hike was super fun and much easier than our Mount Monadnock experience, so we really enjoyed the warm weather and beautiful trails. The forest was so alive; we kept seeing squirrels, beetles, and we heard birds singing the whole time. The sun was shining, the temperature was perfect, and we were surrounded by beautiful scenery. Overall, our time spent hiking today was a great success. 

We also had a lot of fun during the hike and managed to get some pretty good footage for our upcoming video, so keep checking for this video because it looks like it has a lot of potential. A little sneak peek: Daisy shows her moves as she sings and dances in front of a trail sign.

When we got to the top of the trail we left our mark again by making a cairn. We are going to try to do this whenever we hike somewhere and we'll keep documenting it! We were a little tired and hot at this point, but I am so glad we decided to stop and hike this trail because I really did enjoy myself. 

Once we got to campus we decided to take advantage of what was left of this nice weather and so we headed to the river. We brought our notebooks and books, and Daisy made a beautiful watercolor piece that you can check out in her blog ( While I was reading The Jungle Book sitting at the bridge I realized how lucky I am to be give the opportunity to explore both myself and the nature around me and just enjoy the simple things that I often don't have time to appreciate. For example, today I sat outside enjoying the breeze that got rid of most of the black flies (if only for a few minutes) and heard the rustling of leaves and the running water as I read a great book. This has only been the first week of senior project and although we have had some mishaps and the weather hasn't exactly been ideal, I have had a lot of fun and I'm ready for the next few weeks!

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