Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Day 14: Nature Walk

Today was a more relaxed day after the adventure at Mud Pond that left us a little battered. We woke up pretty early and headed to the woods; our initial plan was to hike up to the Bulkhead. However, halfway there we realized that the trails were not going to be very doable since Dave Pilla had mentioned how not taken care of the trail is. So instead we decided to just explore the trails around Mac House. My favorite one was the Cistern trail, it was very pretty and quiet and I'd never really heard of it before.

Later on the day I was feeling pretty brave so I decided to try the Bulkhead again. I hiked up to the cabin on my own, and the experience was so different from the other hikes I've done so far. I walked a lot slower, and I was looking up as I hiked, which I usually forget to do. Normally when I'm hiking up I'm so focused on getting there that I forget to enjoy the hike itself. Today though I cruised by the woods quietly and slowly, looking for chipmunks and up to the tree tops. Once I got to the cabin I sat down and wrote a bit about this experience, wrote a poem, and then kept going on the trail to the Bulkhead. Now, the highest I've ever gone in the Proctor woodlands is the cabin; I've never really talked about the trail with anyone either nor gotten any directions, so my hike today was just full of guessing and hoping that I was making the right turns (which I think I did). The trail was really pretty, but not very good as a trail because it was a little run down – there were bushes and thin trees starting to grow in the middle of the trail, so most of the time I was trying to make my way through the foliage. I ended up getting to this clearing, and I found two smaller trails. I tried to take the one on the right, but I had to turn back because I just did not see very clearly what was part of the trail and what was woods.

Once I got back to the cabin I wrote for a little bit longer and I sketched the trail (or what I could see of it). Overall today was a very different experience that I really enjoyed.

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